Growing Carrots in grow bags

Why should you use a grow bag to grow your carrots. You can grow a delicious carrot harvest in a grow bag even if you have very little room to grow (patio, balcony, deck or small yard). You can also grow for a longer period using grow bags because you have more control over the environment you grow your carrot. You should use a grow bag that is at least 7 gallons because carrots need more space to grow down.

How do you grow your carrots in grow bags: You will need a 7 gallon or bigger grow bag. H2urbangrOw's potato bags work well for carrots. Carrots need at least 6 to 8 hours of sun. Moisten your potting soil thoroughly and add it to your grow bag. Save a few handfuls to cover the seeds. Scatter seeds seeds on the surface of the soil about 3" apart and cover with 1/4" of the planting mix.

For good germination and strong growth, the seeds must be kept consistently moist but not wet for the first two to three weeks. Cover the top of the grow bag with a layer of garden fabric to retain moisture or water frequently. To get good sized carrots, thin seedlings to 3" apart. Add 1/4 cup of organic fertilizer every four to six weeks after thinning.

Harvesting your Carrots Your carrots should be ready to harvest in about 75 days. The carrots can be harvested all at once, or you can pull them as needed.

Once you harvest the last of your spring carrots, you can now use your grow bag to plant a vegetable that is more suited to the heat of summer.


Growing Brussels Sprouts in grow bags.


Growing Broccoli in grow bags.