Indoor Edible Garden
Ready to grow your own indoor garden and harvest herbs, fruits and vegetables? Below are some plants that are easy to grow inside and in small spaces.
Herbs are great plants to get your indoor garden started. They are a great way to make your recipes taste so much better. You can plant them as seeds or buy a starter plant from your local garden store. Fresh herbs are a delicious addition to your kitchen. Our 4 gallon grow bags work perfectly with these!
Scallions are a versatile food that is low maintenance and quick growing. You can grow them from seeds or regrow them from the scarps of the scallions you just used in a recipe. To regrow them, you just need a cup of water and some sunlight. Our 4 gallon grow bags work well with Scallions!
Microgreens are seedlings of edible vegetables and herbs. They are concentrated in nutrients, packed with intense flavors and can be harvested in a short time. They should be grown in a shallow container.
Celery is another vegetable that can be grown from seeds or you can regrow from food scraps. To regrow, you just need to plant the stump (make sure it is around two inches long) root side down. You can either use a container of water or a small amount of soil. New growth will start forming from the center. Our 4 gallon or smaller grow bags work best with celery!
Growing mushrooms is a different process than going other things indoors but definitely can be done. Each type of mushroom has specific growing needs. White button mushrooms need composted manure, shitakes on wood or hardwood sawdust and oyster mushrooms on straw.
Radishes are a root vegetable and prefer cooler environments which works well for indoor gardening. They require a deep pot for proper growing. Our potato bags work great with this type of vegetable!
Carrots are a great option for indoor gardening. They prefer a cooler environment. Just put your potted carrots in a sunny window and keep the soil moist at the surface until the seeds germinate. Our potato grow bags are perfect for Carrots!
Peppers can be grown inside but will never get as big as those grown outdoors. They will need enough space in a container for their roots to grow. Our 7 gallon grow bag are perfect for peppers!
Tomatoes just need a spot inside that gets plenty of light, big enough pots and stakes or cages to make sure the plant grows upright. Our 7 gallon grow bag are perfect for tomatoes!
Blueberries need full sun to be healthy and produce fruit. They need acidic soil in order to thrive and produce a good harvest. You can add peat moss, sulfur, diluted vinegar or coffee grounds to lower the pH. Our 5 or 7 gallon grow bag are perfect for Blueberries!
Strawberries are pretty easy to plant and grow. You will have to pollinate your strawberries since there will not be pollinators in your house. Use your finger, a small paint or makeup brush or even a Q-tip to move the pollen to the pistils. Do this every 2-3 days once the flowers have bloomed. We have strawberry bags that work perfectly growing these.
Potatoes (Sweet and regular) are a very easy vegetable to grow indoors from scraps. Use a sprouted potato, cut into chunks making sure you have at least 2 eyes, lay out sprout side up on at least four inches of soil. Top them off with another four inches of soil and in about two months you will have potatoes. Our potato bags are great for potatoes!