How do you use grow bags?

Grow bags are a light, easy to store and cheap way to grow plants. They are also more breathable so they promote stronger roots making your plant healthier. In typical clay and plastic pots, plants grow roots that eventually run into the pots' sides, then turn and begin a circling pattern. But that's not the case with grow bags. When roots reach the sides of grow bags, they're exposed to air and come to a stop. The plant then grows new roots and will develop healthier and more fibrous root systems.

Grow bags are made from felt, wool, burlap, recycled material and plastic. Plastic grow bags are not as breathable so are better avoided.

You can grow almost any crop in containers. Herbs are a good choice for beginners. Use smaller bags for the herbs as well as leaf lettuce, green onions and radishes. Tomato plants need at least a five-gallon bag per plant. Potato crops can be grown in larger bags. To prep bags - fill bags with a quality potting mix and compost—not heavy soil from your garden. Add plants and top with two inches of mulch to help retain moisture. Water thoroughly, then place in a sunny spot. If you're worried about mess, place a saucer or pan underneath bags to catch soil that often drains with the water.

The only drawbacks to grow bags are they have a shorter life than pots – typically 4 to 5 years – and they drain quickly so need watered more frequently.  If you're heading out of town for a long weekend, place grow bags in a kiddie pool with a few inches of water to keep them hydrated.

At the end of the growing season, just dump the soil from grow bags, fold the bags and store them for the winter.


Here is what you can grow in September by region.


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